Trump Wants To Run Against Meghan Markle In 2024

Former President Donald Trump has stated his interest in running against Meghan Markle in the 2024 Presidential Election, speaking about the Duchess of Sussex’s reported interest in possibly running for President of the United States.

This month, Meghan Markle’s explosive interview with Oprah has dominated the media. The interview included claims made by Markle that the Royal Family shared racist comments about her son with Prince Harry, as well as other shocking statements. The broadcast has birthed a ton of memes and follow-up stories about racism allegations in the Royal Family. It has also introduced the notion of Meghan Markle possibly being interested in running for President in the coming years.

Jamie Squire/Getty Images

During a recent appearance on Fox News, former President Donald Trump unpacked his thoughts about Meghan Markle, stating that he wishes to run against her in 2024 because he thinks he’ll have a stronger chance at beating her than President Biden.

“Well, I hope that happens,” said Trump about Meghan Markle running for President. “If that happened, I think I’d have an even stronger feeling toward running. I’m not a fan of hers. I think that what she talks about the Royal Family– I happen to think, I know the Queen as you know, I’ve met with the Queen and I think the Queen is a tremendous person and I’m not a fan of Meghan.”

In the same call, Trump encouraged his supporters to get vaccinated against COVID-19, revealing that he and the former First Lady received their doses.

Trump has not yet announced his intention to run in 2024. He continues to tease a possible run with sporadic media appearances.
