Trump Praises Putin As A “Genius” For “Taking Over A Country” Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The devastation taking place in Ukraine is being documented in real-time by reporters on the ground as well as citizens fleeing for safety. It has been reported that over 300 people have been injured while just over 130 have been killed since Russia’s invasion. It was also shared that Chernobyl has been taken over by Russian soldiers and several world leaders have come forward, including President Joe Biden, to condemn the attack, calling it unjustified.

However, although Ukrainian forces are massively outnumbered by the Russian military, Biden has stated that the U.S. military will not send troops to fight in this conflict. Vladimir Putin released a video plainly stating that if anyone interferes with his plans, there will be severe consequences.

Former President Donald Trump has been accused of conspiring with Russia throughout his electoral process as well as his tenure in the Oval Office—accusations that he has denied. During a political fundraiser in Florida, the former president called Putin’s recent Ukraine moves “genius” while praising him for his military takeover

“I mean, he’s taking over a country for $2 worth of sanctions,” Trump said. “I’d say that’s pretty smart. He’s taking over a country — literally a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people, and just walking right in.” He also added that had he’d been president, Putin wouldn’t have dared to launch the invasion.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates was appalled by Trump’s remarks and condemned him in a scathing tweet.

“Two nauseating, fearful pigs who hate what America stands for and whose every action is driven by their own weakness and insecurity, rubbing their snouts together and celebrating as innocent people lose their lives,” Bates tweeted.

Meanwhile, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has said, “They are killing people and transforming peaceful cities into military targets. That’s villainous and will never be forgiven.”
