Tom Brady Reacts To LeBron James Claiming He’s Not The GOAT Athlete

Tom Brady is the greatest football player of all time, however, there are many fans out there who believe the distinction should go to guys like Jerry Rice or some of the more defensive stars from the game’s past. While Brady is the winningest player in league history, he is by no means the most dominant when it comes to his athleticism. In fact, LeBron James recently came out and said that while he believes Brady is the GOAT of football, he doesn’t think Brady is the GOAT athlete.

Brady was recently on an episode of The Shop where he got to comment on LeBron’s remarks. As Brady explained, he understands why someone would think that way and in his heart, he knows there are a lot of factors that keep him from being the greatest athlete ever.

Tom Brady

Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images

“I’m not a big comparison thing like that and it’s because really it just depends what style you like,” Brady said. “You could say, well, you’re maybe the most accomplished. I would say, OK, yeah, I’ve won a lot of games, Super Bowls and so forth. But my style of play might not fit everybody else’s, what their view of what that position should be. I can really just be the best with the body that I was given. There’s certain things that I certainly cannot do. And I have the awareness to realize, OK, I can’t do those things.”

Despite his greatness, Brady has always been humble throughout his career. While there have been times where he flaunts his success, he has never made it all about himself, which is rare for a player of his caliber.

Tom BRady

Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images
