Tobias Harris Delivers Statement On The Ben Simmons Saga

Ben Simmons and the Philadelphia 76ers are currently embroiled in some never-ending drama that has come to a head this week. Simmons was kicked out of practice for not putting in any effort, and just yesterday, he told the team that he had a back issue and wasn’t mentally prepared for any basketball action. This was then followed up by a report today that Simmons actually addressed the team and told them that while he does want to play, he just can’t do it right now as he isn’t mentally there.

This is somewhat good news for the Sixers as it means that Simmons is at least motivated to get his head right and come back. At the end of the day, Simmons is a very talented player, all he needs to do now is put it all together during the playoffs, when it matters most.


Drew Hallowell/Getty Images

Following the report this morning, Sixers star Tobias Harris took to Twitter where he made a statement on the matter saying “And we’ll respect his privacy and space during this time. When he’s ready, we will embrace our brother with love and handle our business on the court. That’s it, that’s all.” Clearly, the Sixers players care about Simmons, and they want to make sure he is okay, moving forward. The team is better with him on it, and they would prefer he be ready for the bulk of the regular season action.

It remains to be seen how this will all work out, although for now, it seems like a solution could be on the horizon. Stay tuned to HNHH as we will be sure to bring you all of the latest updates.