Tiny Calls Out T.I. For Posting Pics Of Her Without Approval

Tiny came at T.I. on Instagram, Thursday, after the rapper posted vacation pictures of the couple that Tiny found unflattering. The couple, who recently bought a beautiful mansion in Atlanta for a hefty price, is shown riding horseback on a beach in the pics.

“All I need in this life of sin…” T.I. captioned the photos.

Down in the comments, Tiny replied: “U gotta check with me on these pix u choose from now on sir.”

T.I., Tiny
Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images

T.I. and Tiny began dating in 2001 before later marrying in 2010. They share two sons and one daughter.

Perhaps ready to settle down for the long haul, T.I.’s upcoming album, Kill the King, is expected to be his last. Back in 2017, he revealed that he was nearing the end of his career. 

“I’m ready to get the hell outta [the rap game],” he said on The Breakfast Club. “I got this next album, I got three albums in my head I’ve already conceptualized. Once I get them out, I’m done.”

T.I. shared a new single for the upcoming project, earlier this week. “What It’s Come To” sees the legendary rapper address the allegations from over thirty women that accuse him and his wife of sexual assault, rape, drugging, and more.