Thousands Sign Petition Urging Will & Jada Smith To Stop Doing Interviews

Every time a new headline regarding Will Smith begins making rounds, it becomes glaring obvious how more and more people are tiring of hearing about the Gemini Man actor’s life – particularly his marriage with Jada Pinkett Smith.

Throughout the years, we’ve learned about affairs and “entanglements,” polyamory, vomiting during orgasm, and most recently, Smith shared a story about the time he pulled a “prank” on his wife, having his grandmother watch a movie with one of her sex scenes as the two met for the first time.

People are so tired of the 53-year-old, in fact, that a petition has been launched on urging the media to “stop interviewing Will and Jada Smith.” As of this morning, over 2,700 have signed, taking them over halfway to their goal of 5,000. Some of the most-liked comments on the webpage read, “everything I learn about this couple is against my will. Free us,” and “not everything has to be public knowledge.”

Another signee noted that Will’s “throwing up thing was the last straw” for them, and that appears to be the case for many others. If you missed it, the Philadelphia-born star recently released a memoir called Will, in which he shared that, after a particularly painful heartbreak, he coped by sleeping with hoards of women.

“I desperately need relief but as there is no pill for heartbreak, I resorted to the homeopathic remedies of shopping and rampant sexual intercourse,” the book explained. “I had sex with so many women, and it was so constitutionally disagreeable to the core of my being, that I developed a psychosomatic reaction to having an orgasm.”

“It would literally make me gag and sometimes even vomit… In every case, though, I hoped to God this beautiful stranger would be ‘the one’ who would love me, who would make this pain go away, but invariably, there I was, retching and wretched. And the look in the eyes of the women even further deepened my agony.”

You can find the petition here. Let us know below if you plan to sign.
