This Wilt Chamberlain Highlight Reel Has NBA Fans In Awe

Wilt Chamberlain is one of those players who young NBA fans simply cannot comprehend. When you look at his career averages, you quickly realize that he was one of the best scorers to ever play the game. Unfortunately, due to the era in which he operated, his talents are sometimes undermined. In fact, you can’t go one day on Twitter without someone trying to question Wilt’s infamous 100-point game and whether or not it was legitimate.

Thankfully, some of the doubts surrounding Wilt were put to rest yesterday as a 4K HD colorized video of some of Wilt’s best highlights made its way to the internet. As you can see down below, Wilt was nothing short of dominant as he hit fadeaway jumpers all while making defenders look pretty silly.

For many, this was the first time they got to see HD Wilt highlights like this, and it turned out to be quite the experience. As you can see in some of the tweets below, fans were impressed, although some still believe Chamberlain is a myth. For instance, there are still some questioning the validity of these defenders. On the flipside of that, many are convinced that Wilt could dominate in this era, especially at 7’1″.

Let us know what you thought of the highlight package, in the comments section down below.