“The Suicide Squad” Returns In Maniacal New Trailer

It’s no secret that David Ayer’s Suicide Squad was not exactly a beloved cinematic property. In fact, it was pretty much maligned across the board. Yet that didn’t stop DC and Warner Bros, who remained adamant that the franchise had limitless potential. They proceeded to reach out to director James Gunn, who knocked it out of the park with Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy, and seemingly gave him full creative control — a decision that may very well prove to be a winner. 

At long last, the first trailer to the anticipated Suicide Squad sequel has arrived, about as maniacal as you might expect. Providing a closer look at Idris Elba’s Bloodsport, John Cena’s Peacemaker, Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn, Joel Kinnaman’s Rick Flagg, Michael Rooker’s Savant, and — perhaps most memorably — the Sylvestor Stallone-voiced King Shark, the trailer features plenty of filthy antics, brutal gore, and bizarre imagery to unpack. 

Though the general plotline appears to follow similar beats as the first film — which is to say, a gaggle of miscreants coerced by the merciless Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) into participating in a high-stakes and potentially fatal mission under threat of death-by-head-explosion —  the sheer volume of characters and personalities onboard should ensure that The Suicide Squad is a rollicking (and explosive) good time. Interested parties can check out the official red-band trailer below, and sound off if you’re excited to see what the deranged mind of James Gunn brings to the table.