The Rock On His Hygiene Habits: “The Opposite Of A Not Washing Themselves Celeb”

Some of Hollywood’s biggest names have been revealing the gritty details of their hygiene habits, much to the surprise of their fans. 

In an interview with Armchair Expert, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher seemingly started this new celeb-reveal-trend, when they shared that they don’t actually bathe their kids every day, Kutcher going as far to say, “If you can see the dirt on them, clean them. Otherwise, there’s no point.”

A fan of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson publicly pleaded by tweeting, “Our work Slack has spent much time discussing celebrities who don’t wash themselves, but we’ve all decided that @TheRock can’t possibly be one of those stinky ones…”

the rock showering habits

Jean Baptiste Lacroix/Getty Images

The star caught wind of the tweet and responded, “Nope, I’m the opposite of a “not washing themselves” celeb. Shower (cold) when I roll outta bed to get my day rollin’.  Shower (warm) after my workout before work. Shower (hot) after I get home from work,” with a soapy emoji.

Johnson had a comeback for a comedian commenter who claimed his habits were “weirder than not showering.” The actor bluntly stated, “nothing weird about this, my friend. I workout twice a day and then I go to work for 12+ hours, I shower 3xs. Easy to understand.” In true humble/gracious Rock fashion, when the commenter revealed themselves to have some sort of past connection to the famous actor, he responded with kind words. See that interaction and the original tweet below.
