“The Matrix Resurrections” Twitter Account Trolls Facebook Over Its New Name

On October 28th, Mark Zuckerberg announced that his company, Facebook, will be changing its name to Meta as it works towards conquering the “metaverse.” It didn’t take long for users from all over the world to chime in with their opinions, but no response has been as comedic as the one that The Matrix Resurrections Twitter account crafted up.

Yesterday evening, an updated movie poster for the upcoming film was posted. “Now, based on real events,” the text above the famous blue and red pills reads. “The choice is yours.”

The picture was cleverly captioned “#Meta,” referencing Zuckerberg’s big news from earlier in the day. From the sounds of his announcement speech, the CEO plans to dive head first into the world of augmented reality.

“Today we’re seen as a social media company, but in our DNA, we are a company that builds technology to connect people. And the metaverse is the next frontier just like social networking was when we got started,” he shared.

Since The Matrix tweet was posted, hundreds of people have offered up responses praising the account for it’s well-timed, socially relevant quick wit. “This is the movie marketing I f*cking missed, god bless this team,” one viewer wrote.

“Where’s the green pill where you list be homeless and stretch out across the sidewalk comfortably knowing the truth buy enjoying pizza?” another Twitter user joked. One thing’s for sure, the genius stunt has certainly got people talking about The Matrix Resurrections, which is set to hit theatres on December 22nd.

See more of the best reactions to the tweet below.
