The Game Under Fire For Chet Hanks Comment

It’s safe to say that after everything that happened this week, Tom Hanks is probably pretty embarrassed to be Chet Hanks’ father. If he wasn’t already slightly ashamed of his son, who regularly speaks in a fake Jamaican accent on social media, he definitely is after the 30-year-old actor was accused of domestic violence following his own accusations against his ex-girlfriend. 

On Wednesday, Chet Hanks accused his ex-girlfriend Kiana Parker, a Black woman, of cutting his face open with a knife. A video was released via TMZ that showed the aftermath of the alleged attack. In her response, Parker said that she arrived at his home to move her things out and Chet was actually the one that threatened her with a knife. She grabbed a pan, seen in the video, to defend herself. She also accused Hanks of saying she’s “just a ghetto Black b*tch” and that no one would believe her story.

Nobody asked for his opinion on the matter but rapper The Game has officially weighed in with his take on the matter and he’s pissed a whole lot of people off with his comment. “Time to go back to Becky bro,” wrote Game, suggesting that Chet date a white woman next. “You might not be built for this level of anger.”

People are attacking Game in the comments of his own post for perpetuating the “angry Black woman” stereotype, warning him to stop spreading the narrative that all Black women have a bad temper. “Is he really the person labeling Black women as angry?” asked the top commenter.

We’ll continue to keep you updated on Chet Hanks’ situation, as well as the response to The Game’s comment. What do you think of what he said?
