The Game Addresses If He Spoke With Kanye About Dating Kim Kardashian

When it comes to dating in the industry, there are bound to be crossovers. We’ve often seen people date the exes of their associates, collaborators, and even friends, and although it may have been taboo in the past, it’s expected to happen and widely accepted. For rappers who date models, reality stars, or international figures like Kim Kardashian, they will undoubtedly come across another entertainer who has also been involved with someone that they are, or have been with.

We watched as The Game and Kanye West united on their hit song “Eazy,” and while this was a sonic fusion that fans couldn’t get enough of, some people brought up the Los Angeles icon’s ghosts of dating past because he, too, reportedly dated Kim years ago.

In a new interview with Complex, Chris “Speedy” Morman asked Game about speaking with Kanye about his history with Kim.

“Everybody that you date, if you go outside and meet a girl today, she has a history,” said Game. “She dated somebody. If I seen you with a girl I used to date, the next time I see you, I be like, ‘Yo, Speedy, she like it from the side.’ You feel me? I want to make sure it’s good, that you last in there, you know what I’m sayin’?”

“My brother could date a girl that I used to be with and I would be just fine with it,” he added. Not everyone holds this sentiment, but many agree that if a dating relationship wasn’t serious or reached back years, it shouldn’t matter.

Watch The Game’s full conversation with Complex below.