T-Pain Reveals He Makes More Money Playing Video Games Than He Has From Music

T Pain Collaborators

T-Pain is an avid gamer, and there’s no doubt that there is a ton of money in gaming, maybe even more than in music. You would think that throughout his career, T-Pain would have made a ridiculous amount of money. On Steve-O’s Wild Ride! podcast, T-Pain revealed that he’s actually made more money from gaming than he has from music.

“I’m making more money off of video games than I have made in the last four years,” T-Pain said. “Just playing them. Playing video games.”

He added that he doesn’t know why Twitch keeps throwing more and more money at him. And despite his love for video games, he admits that he’s not even good at them.

“I think that’s what makes it better,” he said. “I mean there are definitely good players out there that make a ton of money, but I think the entertainment that comes from somebody like me being trash at it, I think that’s just more valuable and more entertaining.”

Elsewhere in the interview, T-Pain revealed that at one point his music career was so low that he found himself completely broke. He added that he wished more established artists would have told him.

“After I went through that whole episode I found out if I would have known that other artists have gone through this, people I look up to if they would have just said, ‘Look, it’s not all great. It’s not gonna be fine this whole time.’ If I woulda known that, I would have been mentally prepared, first of all, I would have prepared myself financially.”

You can watch the full interview below.

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