T-Pain Doesn’t Think Artists Need “Fancy Equipment” To Make Good Music

Although there are a select number of creatives who believe that they need certain items in order to work or make art, T-Pain is a different breed. The music icon has often swum against the tide as it pertains to his career, and he’s been quite successful. The mogul has been able to maintain a reputable standing among his peers and knows how to pen a hit, and when it comes to making magic happen when faced with adversity, T-Pain is a master.

The “Bartender” hitmaker popped up on social media with a bit of motivation for other creatives. He explained that he was scheduled to do some filming but the weather caused the location to cancel, but even without them, he made it work because art stops for no one.

Araya Doheny / Stringer / Getty Images

“The film set we booked for today cancelled our booking because of the millimeter of snow on the ground. Went and got a bunch of sh*t out of the garage. Moved some furniture around. Hired the lovely @panpan2211 as my production assistant. Then sat my ass down while she did most of the work [crying laughing emoji],” he wrote in a caption.

“All them ppl that get pissed off at me when I rate their music and I tell them there’s no excuse for your sh*t to sound bad and they all go ‘well not everybody has a bunch of money to spend on fancy equipment’ and I’m like. Bro. It don’t take nothin but imagination and research. I woke up this morning and literally looked up ‘how to properly light green screen’ and ‘how to shoot green screen with things around the house.”

He added that people really need to have a passion that outdoes their peers instead of “complaining about how you ‘gOt wAy mOrE tAlEnt bUt pPl dOnT pAy atTenTiOn tO gOoD mUsiC aNyMoRe’ Getcho ass up mah bwah!!!!!” Check it out below.