T.I. Fires Back At Sabrina Peterson In Defamation Lawsuit

Earlier this year, a woman named Sabrina Peterson accused ATL rapper T.I. of holding a gun to her head and threatening to kill her. After the accusation, Sabrina claims T.I. and Tiny have been trying to smear her name with public statements and posts on social media, doing anything they can to ruin her reputation. According to Peterson’s defamation lawsuit, Tiny referred to her on social media as “strange,” and added, “everybody know you been special.” Sabrina claims she’s since become the target of online harassment and threatening messages, but T.I. claims she can’t sue them over those comments because they are just opinions. And he’s now asking a judge to toss out the defamation suit according to TMZ.

Robin L Marshall/ Getty Images

The rapper’s lawyer, Andrew Brettler, claims Peterson “is an adjudged liar, a convicted felon with a lengthy rap sheet for crimes involving dishonesty and violent assault, and has a reputation for being unscrupulous” … and he says there’s no way T.I. and Tiny could make her reputation take a hit.

T.I. says Peterson’s defamation lawsuit is nothing more than a publicity stunt, and he wants a judge to toss it away. We’ll have to wait and see if that happens though.

This latest report comes just days after Sabrina said T.I. offered another Grand Hustle rapper $25K to kill her. Read more about that ridiculous story right here if you missed it.
