Stephen Jackson Threatens to Slap Skip Bayless: ‘All Respect Gone’


Skip Bayless is in hot water with many in the sports community after an insensitive tweet following the collapse of Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin. In the aftermath, former NBA player and current sports analyst Stephen Jackson hit Twitter with a direct threat to Bayless.

“Ima slap the shit outta @RealSkipBayless u too bold,” Jackson wrote. “All respect gone.”

In a set of follow-up tweets, Jackson would provide additional commentary.

He wrote, “We talking about a life. I maybe sensitive from losing my lil bro and lil sis or I may just have a heart. Smdh.”

Jackson would close with: “Different strokes for diff folks. Might go over y’all heads. We know who gone defend him. No surprise here.”

After the on-field incident, Bayless tweeted that he agreed with the postponement decision but wondered why it was being made so close to the season’s finale.

“No doubt the NFL is considering postponing the rest of this game – but how?” Skip tweeted. “This late in the season, a game of this magnitude is crucial to the regular-season outcome … which suddenly seems so irrelevant.”

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