Stephen A. Smith Reveals His Pick For Best Player In The NBA

Stephen A. Smith is one of the most opinionated men in the sports media world, and it is ultimately why he is so famous. In the eyes of many, Stephen A. has virtually carried ESPN over the last decade, and he will continue to do so for years to come. During every single episode of First Take, Smith can be heard delivering massive hot takes, all while upsetting fans in the process.

Just yesterday, Smith took to First Take with his latest hot take in which he revealed who he believes is the best player in the NBA right now. While most fans would say LeBron James or maybe even Giannis Antetokounmpo, Smith decided to go with Kevin Durant, who just came off of a gold medal win at the Olympics.

Stephen A. Smith

Justin Casterline/Getty Images

“Kevin Durant is the best player in the world. Period. There is no NBA player, including LeBron James, at this point in time that is a better player than Kevin Durant in the world. Nobody!” Smith said emphatically. As it stands, Smith is convinced of who is at the top and there is no one who will convince him otherwise. 

While it is hard to argue against Kevin Durant, there are certainly some people out there who will take objection to Smith’s assertion. After all, KD is a polarizing player who has a lot of pressure on him heading into next season.

Let us know who you think the best player in the NBA is, in the comments below.

Kevin Durant

Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images