Stephen A. Smith Returns To “First Take” With Hilarious Cowboys Entrance

Stephen A. Smith’s hatred of the Dallas Cowboys has always been a joy to watch. If you have ever seen an episode of First Take on a Monday, then you are well aware of the fact that he always makes it a point to go off on America’s Team, even when they win. Smith simply cannot stomach the franchise, and when they lose, Stephen A. expresses some of the most wholesome and devious joy known to mankind.

Yesterday, that is exactly what happened as the Cowboys lost their Wild Card Round game to the San Francisco 49ers. Immediately following the game, Smith took to Twitter with a video of himself celebrating the loss, telling Cowboys fans that he predicted their downfall.

For Smith, today was an especially bittersweet moment as he got to return to the First Take studio after a bad bout with COVID-19. To mark the occasion, Smith decided to huff on the tears of Cowboys fans by starting the show with a shot of himself standing in front of a photo of Dak Prescott, all while donning a Cowboy hat.

Smith was taunting Cowboys fans throughout the monologue, and with country banjos playing in the background, it made for a truly hilarious moment that had fans happy to see Smith back on the show.

With the Cowboys out of the playoffs, Smith will have to wait until next season to slander them again. Regardless, we know it will be well worth the wait.