SOURCE SPORTS: Kyrie Irving Fined $50K for Flipping the Bird at Celtics Fans During Game 1


Kyrie Irving knew he would be hit with a hefty fine for giving the Boston Celtics fans the double bird during game 1 of the NBA playoffs. Well, the league hit the Brooklyn Nets point guard in the pockets. The NBA has fined Irving $50k for his actions toward the fans Sunday afternoon.

“The same energy they have for me, I’m going to have for them,” Irving said following the game. “And it’s not every fan. I don’t want to attack every Boston fan, but when people start yelling “p****” and “b****” and “f*** you” and all of this, there’s only so much you can take as a competitor. We’re the ones expected to be docile and be humble and take a humble approach. No. F*** that. It’s the playoffs. This is what it is.”

Heading into tonight’s game 2 with the Nets trailing in the series 1-0, it will be interesting to see if Irving will continue to stand by his word to give the Celtics fans the same energy again.

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