Slowthai Facing Two Rape Charges

Northampton rapper Slowthai is facing charges for two counts of rape. He appeared in court on Tuesday via video, only speaking once two confirm his name, date of birth, and address. The rapper was reportedly charged with the oral and vaginal penetration of a woman without her consent in Oxford back in 2021. He was released on bail and will appear again next month at Oxford crown court.

Slowthai took to Instagram to try to clear his name earlier today. He writes, “i categorically deny the charges.” Going on to say, “i am innocent and I am confident my name will be cleared.” The rapper adds, “until then i will apply my energy to ensure this is concluded swiftly and justly.” He asks his supporters not to “comment about this situation,” and to “respect the process and privacy of [his] family at this time.”

Slowthai Claims He Is Innocent

Slothai announced his new album, Ugly, in January. Alongside the announcement, the artist also shared the first single from the album, titled “Selfish.” He released the album in March. Speaking on the album, he said “People see you as a character. They don’t actually know who you are. You’re stereotyped as the nutter who gets in his boxers.” He continued, “I was doing that to show that you should be free at shows and enjoy yourself but you choose to see me as an idiot.” Slowthai added, “It doesn’t matter what or who people think you are, you’ve just got to stay true and respect yourself.“ He went on to claim that his tattoo on his face, reading “UGLY” is “a reminder to love myself, rather than put myself down constantly or feel the impression people have of me should determine who I am as a person.”

In 2020, Slowthai left the NME Awards after harassing the host, Katherine Ryan. He also reportedly mooned the audience. He also attempted to fight a fan in the crowd, claiming that the audience member “ruined” his speech. After jumping into the crown, security escorted the rapper out of the event. He apologized for his actions later on Twitter. The post contained a message from the rapper, calling his harassment of Ryan “shameful,” and claiming there was “no excuse” for what he did. He promised “to do better,” calling Ryan “a master at [her] craft.”
