Skip Bayless Hits LeBron James With Scathing “Space Jam” Critique

When it comes to the likes of LeBron James, Skip Bayless has always been an avid hater. From his early days on Cold Pizza at ESPN to his breakout success with First Take, Bayless has always found new ways to hate on one of the greatest NBA players of all-time. Simply put, Bayless is a huge Michael Jordan stan and at the end of the day, Bayless doesn’t like the fact that LeBron poses a threat to MJ’s legacy. As a result, Bayless has led a campaign to suppress James’ accomplishments, all in the name of good television ratings.

When LeBron announced that he would be starring in a new Space Jam film, Bayless’ eyes must have lit up because it was yet another opportunity to hate on one of the best players we’ve ever seen. The film was officially released last Friday and while the reviews have been pretty bad, there are still fans who have praised LeBron for his performance. Meanwhile, Bayless made sure to roast LeBron about it all as he went on Undisputed today and took LeBron to task for trying to upstage MJ.

LeBron James

Christian Petersen/Getty Images

“LeBron’s whole career has been an obsession with convincing the masses that he’s beyond Jordan. There’s never going to be another Michael Jordan,” Bayless said. This was in response to a comment from the original Space Jam director who said that LeBron will simply never be as good as Jordan. Needless to say, Bayless was excited to speak on this topic.

These comments shouldn’t be all that surprising especially when you consider who they are coming from. Bayless will never give LeBron his credit, and as basketball fans, we should expect this to continue for a very long time.