Skip Bayless Gets Real About Steph Curry’s Legacy

Skip Bayless is easily one of the biggest haters in the entire NBA world. Quite honestly, it is impressive just how much he hates on certain players. Overall, his biggest target is LeBron James. However, when it comes to LeBron Vs. Steph Curry, Skip will always hate on Steph. While no one knows why, one would guess it is because he blew that 3-1 lead to LeBron. This helped bolster LeBron’s legacy, and subsequently, Bayless could not forgive Curry for that. Ever since that time, Bayless has taken every opportunity to shoot down Steph’s greatness.

Overall, some find this funny. However, there are plenty of Curry fans out there who find it less than amusing. Although, there is not much they can say after last night. While Curry was fine throughout the game, he could not make a clutch shot to save his life. Consequently, the Golden State Warriors lost another game to the Los Angeles Lakers. Now, the series is at 3-1 in favor of the Lakers, and the Warriors could be looking at elimination on Wednesday. Needless to say, this morning was a good one for Bayless.

Read More: Skip Bayless Insinuates That Larry Bird Called His Rivals The N-Word

Skip Bayless Is Unimpressed

In the clip above from Tuesday’s episode of Undisputed, Bayless makes it abundantly clear that he is not impressed with Curry. Moreover, he spoke specifically about his clutch time stats. As you will see, they are not very good whatsoever. For once in his life, perhaps Skip Bayless actually has a point. “14 times Steph has taken a go-ahead shot in the final 50 seconds of playoff games, and never made ONE. That does not speak well to his legacy,” he explained.

Of course, Curry could completely change the narrative by coming back from this deficit. LeBron did it to him in 2016. Now, he can turn the tide and avenge that loss with a comeback of his own. Only time will tell whether or not the Warriors are truly hungry enough to get it done. If not, then the Lakers are off to the Western Conference Finals. Let us know who you have taking Game 5, in the comments section below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news from around the NBA.

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