Sexyy Red’s Drops Lip Gloss Line With Interesting Product Names: “C””chie Juice,” “Pu””y Hole Pink” And “Nut” … That Part


Sexyy Red, is at it again. The St. Louis rapper who is unfiltered to say the least has quickly become a household name. 

Now she’s expanding her brand beyond music and into the beauty industry. 

Here we go …

The name of Sexxy Red’s new line is “Northside Princess.” Sounds harmless enough. 

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Wait for it …

Within her line she dropped a collection of lip glosses. 

These are far from typical lip glosses. Here are the names of the, well, flavors:

“Coochie Juice”

“Bootyhole Brown”


“Pussyhole Pink” 

“Yellow Discharge” 


“Blue Ballz”

“Sex On My Period”

We kid you not.

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We’re gonna leave it there. Take that in and let us know what you think. We’re speechless but more power to Sexxy Red and her budding empire.

The post Sexyy Red’s Drops Lip Gloss Line With Interesting Product Names: “C””chie Juice,” “Pu””y Hole Pink” And “Nut” … That Part first appeared on The Source.

The post Sexyy Red’s Drops Lip Gloss Line With Interesting Product Names: “C””chie Juice,” “Pu””y Hole Pink” And “Nut” … That Part appeared first on The Source.