Seth Rogan Ate An Edible & Scared Bryan Cranston At The Golden Globes

Edibles aren’t for everyone, even for heavy smokers. Seth Rogan, who’s in the midst of launching his own cannabis brand Houseplant in states across America, recently sat down with Jimmy Kimmel to discuss his latest venture. They discussed the various flowers available as well as the possibilities of bringing edibles into the American market. Rogan explained that the products available in Canada must abide by a certain standard which he said makes it easier to create consistency.

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

“We sell beverages in Canada but in Canada, the infrastructure is far more institutionalized. So you can kind of recreate an effect more consistently with edibles, whereas in America they’re not quite there yet. And edibles, I’ve had, like, very scattershot experiences, I guess you would say,” he said. Specifically, it was a time at the Golden Globes where he had a cannabis-infused lollipop over the course of the evening. Even though he was fully aware of the extent of how medicated he was, he was confident that he was holding it together.

“I was at the Golden Globes, which are a nightmare, so I had a weed lollipop throughout the show and I thought in my head, I was like, ‘I’m really high but I’m keeping it together,” he said. Naturally, he headed to an afterparty after the award show concluded where he bumped into Bryson Cranston. 

Tibrina Hobson/Getty Images 

“I went to an afterparty and I saw Bryan Cranston, who I don’t know that well but I saw him and the first thing he said was ‘Are you okay?'” Rogan recalled. “When you just think you’re doing good and someone looks at you, like very scared and says ‘Are you okay?’ it’ll really bring you back down to Earth.”

Check out the full clip below with bit about Bryan Cranston starting around the 13-minute mark.