Sauce Gohan Shares Photos Of His Injuries After Getting Shot In The Face

Sauce Gohan, a member of Sauce Walka’s The Sauce Factory, is lucky to still be breathing following a brush with death last week. The rapper was shot in the head during a daytime attack while in his car. Gohan is recovering from his injuries and he’s officially out of the hospital, sharing pictures of the gunshot wounds in his face.

“LIFE Comes With Da Ups & Da Downs, Da Good & Da Bad, But LIVING For A Purpose Is One Of Tha Main Reasons I Say I’m Alive Right Now,” he wrote on Instagram. “Having A Bullet Still In Tha Head Thru Tha Temple & Still LIVING Is A Dream To 99% Of People But Reality To Me.”

The rapper posted some pictures to show how close he was to losing his life, showing his swollen right eye and the wound on his temple. It’s seriously a miracle that Sauce Gohan is still alive.

“Baby GOAT,” wrote Sauce Walka in the comments. “THE GOD.”

Gohan clarified in an earlier message that he can still talk, see, walk, and do everything he could do before the shooting. He’s already back to work, teasing new music with the release of his upcoming mixtape. Thankfully, he’s still with us. Check out the pictures above.