“Rust” Director Joel Souza Reportedly Released From Hospital Following Deathly Shooting On Set

Yesterday evening, we reported that a tragic accident had occurred on the set of an upcoming Western movie called Rust, starring Alec Baldwin as the grandfather of a 13-year-old boy who’s been sentenced to hang after committing an accidental murder. Baldwin reportedly fired a prop gun on set that wound up killing director of photography, Halyna Hutchins, and injuring director Joel Souza.

Early this morning, actress Frances Fisher, who plays the New York actor’s sister in Rust, shared via Twitter that Souza has since been released from the hospital. “Those quotes are incorrect. And our director Joel Souza is out of hospital,” she tweeted @shannonrwatts.

“I don’t subscribe to the daily beast so if that’s what they’re saying, they are wrong. Will you please correct them?”

“The entire cast and crew has been absolutely devastated by today’s tragedy, and we send our deepest condolences to Halyna’s family and loved ones,” Rust Movie Productions LLC said in a statement after the news broke.

“We have halted production on the film for an undetermined period of time and are fully cooperating with the Santa Fe Police Department’s investigation. We will be providing counselling services to everyone connected to the film as we work to process this awful event.”

Hutchins unfortunately passed away after being airlifted from Santa Fe New Mexico’s Bonanza Creek Ranch to a hospital. She was just 42 years old. RIP.

Word of the accidental shooting has shaken up both film lovers and those who work in the industry, with several people bringing up that Brandon Lee (son of Bruce Lee) was killed while filming The Crow back in 1993 in a similar manner.

Stay tuned to HotNewHipHop for the latest updates in the tragic incident.

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