Russell Westbrook Goes At The Media After Being Benched

Russell Westbrook used to be one of the best point guards in the entire NBA. Now, he is a shell of his former self who can’t seem to sustain any success with the Los Angeles Lakers. He has been having himself an exceptionally poor season, and it all came crashing down last night in a game against the New York Knicks, where Russ was benched in overtime.

Prior to being benched, Russ was actually boo’d by the Lakers crowd after an embarrassing shot attempt. It was yet another example of just how bad Westbrook has been this season, and fans were pretty well fed up with the poor effort.

After the game, Russ was asked about his 5-point performance by the media, and it received a pretty curt response from the Lakers star. Russ believes the questions from the media have gone too far, and that he is simply annoyed by the way he is bombarded after a poor performance. 

“When I play bad, you guys ask me a s*** ton of questions. And then when I shoot the ball well, I don’t hear too many of those questions… We won the game and that’s the most important part,” Westbrook explained.

The media is there to hold the players accountable, and that is not going to change. With that being said, Russ needs to get it together, or this season could go from bad to worse.