Robert Griffin III Claims He Was Sexually Harassed By Washington Football Team

Robert Griffin III’s career with the Washington Football Team was extremely promising. Unfortunately, an injury in the 2013 playoffs completely changed everything for him as the team mismanaged his ailment. This ultimately ruined the trajectory of his career, and after being a backup for many years, he has since retired.

Now, he is gearing up to write a book about his time in Washington, and as he recently explained on Twitter, he will be detailing the sexual harassment he experienced from the franchise.

“Sexual harassment victims should share their stories when they are ready not when you want them to,” Griffin said. “The book is not about other people’s experiences with sexual harassment in Washington. Its about my experience with sexual harassment in Washington. Hopefully you will listen.”

These are some bombshell allegations, and it will be interesting to read what he says in the upcoming book. Griffin’s words had some believing he would detail the sexual harassment that others had faced, although, as his wife Grete explained on Twitter, all of the experiences in the book will be RG3’s.

“Let’s clear up a misconception about “Surviving Washington”. In the book, Robert is not talking about other peoples experiences with sexual harassment in Washington. He is talking about his OWN experience with sexual harassment in Washington,” she wrote.

This is a developing story, so stay tuned to HNHH as we will bring you all of the latest updates.