Rico Nasty Reveals One Of Her Deepest Secrets

Rico Nasty is one of the most eccentric and exciting women in rap. She’s a breath of fresh air as she unapologetically invites fans into her world to experience the full extent of her creativity. She’s created quite an impressive catalog of music over the years, including her recent debut studio album Nightmare Vacation, which included some of the hottest music videos of the last year.

As the DMV native continues to strive for new heights in music, she decided to reveal one of her deepest and darkest secrets to the world for fear of it apparently coming out without her consent. She felt comfortable enough to tell her fans that, years ago, she was selling pictures of her feet to people online.

“Alright yall I have this really big secret I’ve been holding back but I think imma get exposed soon,” said Rico on Twitter. “So before y’all hear it any where else . I used to sell feet pictures like 4 years ago … I was dedicated but I’ve stopped ok bye.”

It’s unclear if this is some sort of April Fool’s joke or if she’s actually telling the truth about her feet pics. For what it’s worth, she also trolled her fans with a fake sex tape leak, sharing a minute-long video of herself humping the air and laughing on Thursday.

Read our latest interview with Rico Nasty here.