Ric Flair Exposed For Alleged Sexual Assault, WWE Fans React

Ric Flair is considered to be one of the biggest legends in the history of wrestling although there are certain things about the wrestler that have remained uncovered. While there are some stories that are kind of public knowledge, there are extra details that have simply not been explained by those who lived through the experience.

A perfect example of this came yesterday during the airing of Vice’s Dark Side Of The Ring. The third season of the show promises to be extra interesting, and on last night’s episode, fans got to see the “Plane Ride From Hell” episode which details a 2002 incident where numerous wrestlers got way too rowdy on a plane ride from Europe back to the United States.

Ric Flair

Gerardo Mora/Getty Images for Poo-Pourri

For years now, fans have known about the part in which Ric Flair exposed himself to the stewardesses. In the past, this incident has been played off as some joke that no one took all that seriously. Now, however, Flair is being accused of sexual assault for his part in the ordeal. In fact, a stewardess came forward to explain what she was allegedly subjected to.

“I was in the galley. Ric Flair was naked and he decided to come back to the galley to get a Coke,” she said. “Then he wouldn’t leave the galley. He had me back against the back door and I couldn’t move, I couldn’t get away from him. He was spinning around his penis and he wanted me to touch it. He took my hand and put it on him.”

Fans were appalled by these details and they immediately took to Twitter to give their reactions. While some defended the former wrestler, others demanded accountability. It even led to the resurfacing of a clip in which longtime WWE personality Teddy Long describes being called a racial slur by Flair.

Needless to say, fans are demanding answers as one of the WWE’s biggest legends is currently being hit with some pretty hefty allegations.