Ray J Poses With Bill Clinton As The Two Link For A Selfie

For decades, there has been a running joke-non-joke that everyone in Hollywood is connected by “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.” In essence, it just means that you can connect any two celebrities in the industry through some sort of professional or personal connection to Kevin Bacon, but it’s becoming clear that as the years move on, Ray J might be taking over the actor’s place in that cultural phenomenon.

Hip Hop has long discussed Ray J’s affiliation with and to various aspects of the entertainment industry as he’s grown from a child star to musician to business mogul to reality TV staple, and most recently, people have debated whether or not he holds any responsibility in the East Coast vs. West Coast Rap beef between Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac Shakur.

Princess Love, Ray J
Randy Shropshire / Stringer / Getty Images

While social media continues that debate, the Love & Hip Hop star popped up on Instagram to show that he’s kicking things up a notch. Adding to the chatter about his connections, the singer shared a selfie with former President Bill Clinton and, of course, he made sure to promote his brands in the caption to his photo with the politician.

“Presidential Marketing!! #BILLCLINTON #newyorkcity He wants the red white and blue @rayconglobal earbuds!!! — I GOT YOU BILLI!!” Ray wrote. In his comments, wife Princess Love was there with a dozen or so supportive fire emojis. Check out Ray J’s iconic moment below.