Pouya Drops The Lead Single From His Next Album “Leave Me Alone”

One of the most prominent voices from Florida’s underground rap scene, Pouya is preparing to release his next studio album, dropping the lead single from it on Thursday.

The morbid new single from Pouya has arrived called “Leave Me Alone”. The 26-year-old rapper speaks about his state of mind, reflecting on all of the tragedies he’s witnessed as a young man. Pouya fears that he might end up becoming the next casualty among his friend group, vocalizing his anxiety in the verse. Serving as the lead single to Pouya’s next album, “Leave Me Alone” shows a more introspective side of the Buffet Boys representative, who has clearly been taking time to think about the bigger picture lately.

In recent weeks, Pouya has been focusing on his health, keeping track of his fitness journey as he bulks up. As he makes progress, he has kept his fans in the loop, sharing workout videos and inspiring his base to keep pushing for their goals. 

Listen to Pouya’s new release below and stay tuned for more new music from the Florida rapper soon.

Quotable Lyrics:

Another soul ascended, funeral attendance
Growin’ as I go through walks of life and I don’t get the message
I feel I’m next in line, not to sound too morbid
But I feel the reaper’s aura orbit around my body
Suckin’ up all my serotonin
I run away but I can’t escape the grasp of reality
Suicides and casualties multiplyin’ quite rapidly
I feel like somebody is after me