NYC To Mask Up… Again?!


It is reported that the uptick in viral infections has pushed NYC officials to recommend New Yorkers to mask up…again.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, “The advisory comes as the rate of new Covid cases in the city has increased by about 55 percent over the past two weeks, according to data compiled by The New York Times, while the hospitalization rate has increased by 20 percent over that time. The city registered a seven-day average of 3,761 new cases on Thursday, up from 2,425 two weeks before. The number of flu cases has also increased, rising 64 percent during the week ending Dec. 3. Cases of R.S.V., or respiratory syncytial virus, which poses a particular risk to young children and older people, appears to have plateaued in New York State.”

Dr. Ashwin Vasan, the city’s health commissioner, advised New Yorkers to always wear masks in public settings, including in stores, offices, elevators, and schools, and on public transportation, even if vaccinated for Covid-19 or the flu. Dr. Vasan states, “The holiday season is about togetherness and there is a way to gather safely — even as respiratory viruses in our city are unusually high. “It starts with protecting yourself. Vaccination and boosters are critical but so are common sense precautions like masking when indoors or among crowds and staying home if you don’t feel well,” he added. “Also, get tested before getting together, and get treated quickly if you test positive.”

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky also had something to say. “CDC continues to recommend masking for anyone choosing to travel by plane train, bus or other form of public transportation or for anyone who may be immunocompromised or the increased risk of severe disease.”

Though most New Yorkers have been vaccinated and 40% of those have gotten their boosters, Covid and other virus infections remain on the rise. “Wear a high-quality mask, such as a KN95 or KF94 or an N95 respirator, for additional protection,” city health officials say.

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