Nick Offerman Says His “Parks & Rec” Character Would “Get The Damn Vaccine”

Parks and Recreation star Nick Offerman says he iconic character, Ron Swanson, a stringent libertarian, would get the COVID-19 vaccine because “he’s a good guy” at the end of the day. Offerman spoke about getting the vaccine on The Medi Hasan Show, Sunday.

“Ron, I think at first would, of course, scoff at a vaccine, and say, ‘I’ve never been to the doctor. I rely on my preternatural immune system to protect me.’ But then his wife, Diane, played by the great Lucy Lawless, would step up and say, ‘Hey, buddy, you’re no longer alone here. You got me, I teach at a school, we got kids to worry about. Your responsibilities are no longer limited to your own body.’

“So, once he was convinced of that, he’s a good guy. And once a good guy sees that he’s taking care of others and that it’s for the common good, of course, he would get the damn vaccine.”

Nick Offerman, Vaccine
Theo Wargo / Getty Images

Parks & Rec ran for seven seasons from 2009 through 2015.

Offerman is set to appear before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Wednesday to discuss vaccine hesitancy for an event titled  “A Shot at Normalcy: Building COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence.”
