New Jersey Racist Ranter Hit With Additional Charges After Video Goes Viral

Racist Americans continue to expose themselves in the most embarrassing ways. 45-year-old Edward Cagney Mathews of Mount Laurel, New Jersey, was arrested on July 5th after footage of a racist rant of his went viral. He is now being charged for bias intimidation, criminal mischief, stalking, and several weapons and drug charges according to a statement issued by the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office.

After the video went viral, protesters rallied outside of Mathews’ residence, demanding his arrest. He was arrested and charged the same day. Mathews was originally charged with bias intimidation, but police added on the additional charges this week. 

On July 2, Leron and Denise Brown called their neighbor Etchu Brandon Tambe in fear. They said Mathews was attempting to break into their home. “He’s had problems with Black board members on the Homeowners Association,” Tambe told ABC News. “He’s had a track record of making sure there are none on the board.”

It was this incident that was filmed. Mathews can be heard calling the Brown family and Tambe “monkeys” and the n-word. He also spits at them in the video. “I cannot apologize enough. I was drunk, I was out of line, I let my anger get the best of me,” Mathews explained to Philadelphia ABC WPVI. “There is nothing I’m going to be able to say that’s going to justify me using the words that I used,” he maintained. “Whatever I have to do to make it up to the community — and the world at this point, seeing how big it is — understand that I made a mistake, allow me the ability to move forward, just like we all deserve.”

The additional charges were explained by Mount Laurel Township Police Chief Stephen Riedener in a statement. “These new charges underscore the importance of our community members coming forward with any information they have about criminal activity, whether about this case or any other incident,” he stated. “Because someone recorded Mathews’ conduct on Friday night, we had the evidence to bring the previous charges, and the opportunity to gather the evidence that led to these additional charges, including for damage we allege he recently caused to his neighbors’ vehicles.”
