NBA Twitter Goes Off After Joel Embiid Gets Snubbed For MVP

Throughout the entire NBA season, there was a huge debate over who should win MVP. Most people thought it should go to the likes of Joel Embiid, while others said Nikola Jokic. Those who said Jokic were mostly journalists, while Embiid got the co-sign of both fans and his peers. In the end, MVP went to Jokic, which makes sense given the fact that it is the media who gets to vote.

This is a decision that will prove to be quite controversial. After all, Embiid is way further along in the playoffs right now, and he is doing big things for the Philadelphia 76ers. who just tied up their series against the Miami Heat. Since returning from injury, the Sixers have won two straight games which just proves his impact. 

Joel Embiid

Mitchell Leff/Getty Images

As you can see from the various tweets below, fans were distraught that Embiid was snubbed for MVP. It felt like the media has something against Embiid who was just better based on the eye test. It also helps that his team did a lot better, which should count for something when we talk about the MVP race.

Let us know who you think is the rightful MVP, in the comments section down below.