NBA Announcer Roasted After Calling Ben Simmons Overrated

Ben Simmons has been a polarizing player in the NBA over the last few years due to the fact that he doesn’t have much of a jump shot despite being a point guard. Regardless, Simmons is a highly-effective player and an All-Star. As a result of his play, the Sixers have enjoyed quite a bit of success this season, and fans in Philly love him.

Not everyone is convinced, however, as last night, the announcer for the Washington Wizards, Justin Kutcher, roasted Simmons for being “Overrated.” Kutcher feels like Simmons’ contributions to his team are overexaggerated and that Tobias Harris should get more shine.

“I’ve said it before and I know I’ll take flak for it,” Kutcher said. “I think Ben Simmons is one of if not the most overrated player in the NBA. He’s got so much love and attention that people aren’t paying attention to what Tobias Harris is doing on the floor.”

The clip of Kutcher’s comments immediately went viral which is when he doubled down, saying “Yep, I said that Ben Simmons is one of the most overrated plyrs in the NBA, and I stand by it. I didn’t say he was BAD, just not as good as everyone makes him out to be. GREAT defender, potential DPOY, but I think he’s made All League/All Star Teams based on hype. And..goodnight.”

This led to a whole lot of clowning on social media as fans were disgusted by what Kutcher had to say. In the tweets below, you can see exactly what kind of reactions he elicited.

Let us know if you agree with Kutcher, in the comments below.

Ben Simmons

Tim Nwachukwu/Getty Images