Monica Checks Person Who Called Her “Stupid” For Not Getting Vaccine

She recently said that her “kick down your doors and smack your chick” days were a thing of the past, but Monica proved that she won’t be tested. The R&B icon has been entertaining her fans with hilarious TikTok videos, but she recently took some time to relax with her daughter as they appeared on Livestream together. 

During the chat, a viewer asked if Monica had received the COVID-19 vaccine and she politely said she hadn’t. After reading someone’s additional comment, she added, “Um, you’re entitled to your opinion, but let’s not speak to each other in a disrespectful manner.”

Monica, Vaccine
Bennett Raglin / Stringer / Getty Images

“You can’t say that someone’s stupid because they’ve chosen not to do something because you don’t know the discussions myself and my doctor have had, especially with the condition that I’m currently in. So, I’m doing what’s best for me and I suggest you do what’s best for you. And that would include watching your mouth.”

According to the latest data, 146 million Americans are fully vaccinated and on Wednesday (June 16), several major cities are once again operating without the need of masks or social distancing. Monica didn’t elaborate about her condition, but we’re sure that the person who attempted to put her in her place doesn’t have much else to say.

Check out the clip below.