MMA Fighter Joel Bauman Claims Herpes Lost Him His Last Fight

Mixed Martial Arts is one of the hardest sports in the entire world. You have to be extremely focused in order to win your fights, and if you aren’t on top of your game, then you could very well get bested by someone who isn’t as good as you. Some fighters, however, are very prideful when they lose, and it makes them come up with some pretty elaborate excuses for why they lost.

That is exactly what happened at Fury FC 61 over the weekend. After beating his opponent this weekend, Joel Bauman came out and said that one of his most recent losses was a direct result of a herpes infection. This revelation was quite shocking as you wouldn’t expect an MMA fighter to blame an STI on his loss.

“Last fight I was tired, I was exhausted,” he explained. “I had herpes before that fight, two outbreaks in the span of a week. I’m here, I’m healthy, let’s go, whatever. It doesn’t matter. I fight.”

It was truly wild to hear Bauman make the admission, but alas, sometimes you just need to be open and honest about what’s going on. Hopefully, the fighter is able to steer clear of these types of infections in the future.