Michael Jackson’s Family Say That Martin Bashir Manipulated Interview With The Late Icon

The Jackson Family is coming for Martin Bashir, who they allege manipulated and tricked Michael Jackson into an interview. The interview in question by Bashir came during a documentary that dropped in 2003 called “Living with Michael Jackson.” It took a look at Michael’s life at the Neverland Ranch. In the interview, Bashir questions Jackson about his relationships with little boys.

Bashir pressed him about sleeping with 13-year-old Gavin Arvizo, who Jackson was prosecuted for allegedly molesting. Jackson was found not guilty. In the interview, Jackson defends himself, saying, “Why can’t you share your bed? That’s the most loving thing to do, to share your bed with someone.”

Michael’s nephew, Taj, and his brother, Tito, now allege Bashir “manipulated footage and unethical journalism.” They say Bashir tricked Michael in the same way he did Princess Diana. The pair stated that, “Bashir’s manipulated footage and unethically journalism is one of the main reasons my uncle Michael is not here today.” Taj continued on, adding, “That 2005 trial broke him. Shame on those who provided cover for Bashir. Shame on those who rewarded him. My family deserves an investigation & apology too.” Michael’s former bodyguard, Matt Fiddes, claims that the Jackson family is contemplating taking legal action.
