Metta World Peace & Ben Wallace Put Malice At The Palace Behind Them

Back in the mid-2000s, the Malice at the Palace completely changed the way fans interact with NBA players. As everyone knows by now, the Malice at the Palace was a game between the Indiana Pacers and the Detroit Pistons, who were massive rivals at the time. Both teams were fighting for Eastern Conference supremacy, and near the end of the game, Metta World Peace, formerly known as Ron Artest, got into a tussle with Ben Wallace.

This fight eventually spilled into the crowd, and it was perhaps one of the worst incidents to ever take place during an NBA game. Many of the players were suspended for the entire season, and it even caused theĀ Pacers to miss out on what could have been a championship.

Last night, however, Wallace and World Peace put all of that behind themselves as they attended the match between the Lakers and the Pistons. The two dapped each other up and posed for a photo-op which was eventually posted on Metta’s Twitter account. It was an incredible moment that fans were simply in awe of.

It’s been a long time since the Malice at the Palace took place, however, there have still been some residual feelings over the incident. Both these men have long-lasting legacies in the game of basketball, and it’s nice to see them settle their differences in such a fantastic way.

For those who may be too young to know about the Malice at the Palace, you can check out what happened, down below.