Master P’s Brother C-Murder Claims Sealed Documents Hold Clues To His Freedom

Former No Limit rapper and brother of Master P, C-Murder, has been serving a life sentence behind bars for his alleged role in the murder of teenager Steve Thomas back in 2002. From the jump, C-Murder, whose real name is Corey Miller, has said he didn’t do it, and now he believes there’s real evidence out there that’s being purposely withheld that proves it.

In the wake of some major twists in his trial, which a witness is now saying he didn’t do it, C-Murder claims there are sealed documents that hold the clues to his freedom. In a press release from his publicist on Wednesday, obtained by HipHopDX, C-Murder alleges the existence of 31 concealed documents showing an illegal DNA cover-up that was not shown or presented during his trial.

He claims that when his DNA was run through the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) database, a match was found but the District Attorney directed that the data be taken out of the system and for it be marked as a forensic unknown. Miller is asking for a full investigation into “the corruption that led to his current incarceration” and that the press files a motion for the 31 documents to be given to him and his legal team. Of course, the courts don’t want that to happen and are reportedly fighting against the release of these documents.

“Half my life has been stolen by the Louisiana Judicial System and it stops now!” C-Murder said.

In addition, the press release claims C-Murder is partaking in a hunger strike at the moment in protest of the medical neglect that he and other inmates have been facing since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Since the onset of COVID-19, they have continued placing the inmates that have tested positive for the virus in the dorms with inmates that were COVID-19 negative,” he says. “This has not only spread the virus but has caused abnormally long quarantine times.”

We’ll continue to keep you posted on updates moving forward.
