Martin Lawrence Accused Of Being A Violent “Egomaniac” By “Martin” Actor

One of the earliest roles for actor Christopher Williams came as a bit part on Martin. The classic 1990s sitcom centered around comedic actor Martin Lawrence continues to be hailed as one of the greatest shows of all time, but Williams recently reflected on his interactions with Lawrence while on set. According to Williams, Lawrence had an unmatched ego and made the lives of the people around him difficult. It’s unclear what prompted him to tell his mid-1990s tale, but it has quickly gone viral.

Williams shared a clip of his appearance along with a detailed caption. “This was one of my first guest star roles back in the ‘90s on MARTIN,” he wrote. “It was an interesting experience for many reasons: I auditioned and got the job, but on the DAY I was shooting, I had to have a ‘extra’ audition JUST for the egomaniacal Martin Lawrence.”

Christopher Williams, Martin Lawrence, Martin, Sitcom, Violence
Alberto E. Rodriguez / Staff / Getty Images

“Then when we were on set, he yelled at the person bringing him a NEW water because he had taken a sip out of the last one and had someone following him around with a fan,” Williams continued. “I had never seen a ‘star’ treat people so rudely. The piece de resistance came when shooting the scene you see here.”

Williams accused Lawrence of injuring him during the first take of the scene and claimed that he “almost had a concussion.” They reportedly stopped the scene and someone from the crew allegedly told Williams that he was a target because “you are just being too funny.” They did the scene again, but to protect himself, Williams claimed he landed on his side, but that didn’t help.

“He didn’t the same thing but THIS time he punched the dummy on the ground and then punched me twice,” he said. “This was my first lesson in my acting career that you need to take care of yourself and speak up when someone does something unprofessional. Which I did not. I didn’t know any better. I’ll never forget that day and as you can tell I am NOT a fan of his.”

That wasn’t the last time that Williams and Lawrence allegedly had a run-in. Check out his story below.