Mac Miller’s “Faces” Is Coming To Streaming

While many hold the early-2010s mixtape run in high regard — as they should, considering how much classic material was delivered during the pre-streaming period —  many tapes have yet to make the transition to the modern era. Luckily, it would appear that things are changing, as many fan-favorite projects have been steadily added to Spotify, TIDAL, Apple Music, and more. It would appear that a big one is on the way with Mac Miller’s Faces officially set to make the jump.

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Widely regarded as one of the late rapper’s most acclaimed bodies of work, the 2014 project’s streaming debut was among the more widely requested. Now, longtime Mac collaborator ID Labs recently shared a promising update on the situation, taking to Reddit to inform fans that the sample clearance process is currently underway. While that doesn’t clarify a timeline, it certainly bodes well for those eager to line their playlist with Mac classics, and rest assured that Faces is home to many. In fact, it’s one of the last projects that largely focused on bars, with everything post-Good AM taking Mac further into soulful and melodic territory.

With Faces officially on the way for a re-release, it’s set to be the second Mac Miller tape to make the transition following K.I.D.S, which recently hit platforms in April of 2020. Are you excited to check out Faces once again? If so — sound off with your favorite tracks below. Rest in peace, Mac Miller.