Lonzo Ball Speaks Out On His Time Playing With LeBron James

Just a few years ago, Lonzo Ball was traded to the New Orleans Pelicans after a couple of seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers. His time with the Lakers was filled with ups and downs, especially during his season with LeBron James. He ended up getting injured and the team was unable to make the playoffs. This eventually led to trade, and now, he finds himself as a staple of the Chicago Bulls.

In a recent interview with CBS Los Angeles, Ball actually got to speak about his time with the Lakers and just how much of a unique experience it was for him. Ball noted that he enjoyed playing for his hometown team and that he actually loved getting to be next to LeBron out on the court.

Lonzo Ball

Stacy Revere/Getty Images

“You know, being a Lakers fan growing up, watching all the greats, and then being able to put that jersey on was great,” Lonzo said. “[LeBron] was my favorite player growing up. Being able to share the court with him and learn from him was a time of my life I’ll never get back, I’ll never take for granted.”

Lonzo is currently in the midst of getting his knee back in shape, and for the most part, it has been a long and strenuous process. 

Hopefully, he continues to get better as the Bulls are one of the most fun teams in the league with him on the court.