Logic Announces New Single “Get Up”

At this point, it feels wiser to simply pretend that Logic never retired to begin with, short-lived as his downtime was. True, it’s entirely possible that Bobby needed a bit of breathing room; after all, the “Dadbod” emcee is a family man now, and it’s likely that time away from the studio was exactly what the doctor ordered.

Yet it mustn’t be forgotten that Logic is a student of the game, and stepping away for an extended period of time is seldom as straightforward a process as one might think. It truly wasn’t long before he once again felt the call of the booth, and now we’re in the middle of a full-blown album rollout. And so it continues with the announcement of “Get Up,” a brand new single following up his recent release of “Vaccine.”


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Saying little other than “Friday,” Logic made it clear that he’s coming back with a vengeance, allowing the music to speak for itself. As such, there’s really nothing to know about “Get Up” quite yet, though it will be interesting to see how it sounds in comparison to the tracks we’ve heard so far

Look for “Get Up” to land in a matter of days, alongside a slew of new releases. Given that he’s been dropping singles at a reasonably quick pace, it’s safe to assume that we’ll be receiving a new album from Bobby Tarantino sooner than later.