Lil Reese Speaks Out & Clarifies “Fake Ass Stories” About His Shooting

Chicago rapper Lil Reese is lucky to see another day after yet another shooting incident this weekend. The rapper had a near-death experience after he was reportedly among three men found inside a stolen vehicle. A 55-year-old father tracked his son’s stolen car to a parking garage in Chicago and when he confronted the three men inside the whip, another man opened fire on the car. Lil Reese was confirmed to have been shot with a bullet reportedly grazing his eye.

Some reports have stated that the rapper lost sight in one of his eyes but, according to the Grim Reaper, those stories are false. He took to Snapchat to clear up the rumors about his sight, claiming that he’s doing fine.

“I’m good I’m not blind or shit,” wrote Lil Reese. “Don’t believe what you seeing on internet I don’t even kno where tf they getting all these fake ass stories from.”

video showing the aftermath of the shooting was released online this week, showing Reese bleeding heavily. The rapper was barely conscious in the video. He’s definitely lucky to be alive.

We will continue to keep you updated as Lil Reese speaks out about the shooting. We are sending our love and well wishes to him and his family.