Lil Peep’s Mom Reveals She’s Had Two Strokes During Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The mother of late rapper Lil Peep, Liza Womack, has reportedly suffered health issues during the lengthy wrongful death lawsuit that was filed following her son’s passing. According to a new report by Pitchfork, Womack has had two strokes during the duration of the lawsuit.

Speaking with the music publication about why she continues to push for justice for her son, who passed away in November 2017, Lil Peep’s mother claimed that she has suffered two strokes during the lawsuit.

“I’ve had two strokes, and I am not going to die until I take care of this matter,” she said. “I’m going to live. I have a mission.”

Womack originally filed her wrongful death suit in October 2019, citing negligence and breach of contract. “I want justice for Gus,” she said. “That’s why I’m doing this. Whatever form it takes, what I’m looking for is for people to be held accountable for their behavior.”

Jacopo Raule/Getty Images

A jury trial is presently set for November 10, 2021.

Womack says that she likely will never have “closure” but that she hopes the judge rules in her favor. “If people are held accountable for their actions, I will feel that justice has been done,” she said. “You learn to live with the pain, and you’re a different person, because when your child dies, the person that you were dies, too. But I will be glad, and I hope to feel satisfaction.”

We will continue to keep you updated on the trial as it begins.
