Lil Baby Reveals Origin Of James Harden Friendship

Lil Baby is one of the biggest artists in the world right now. His albums are some of the best-selling records in the world, and he has become one of the new faces of hip-hop. Additionally, he has been praised by many of his peers, and even those who came before him. Overall, Baby has an incredibly bright future, and people are excited to see where he goes from here on out. One person who is definitely excited about Baby’s future success is his best friend, James Harden.

Ever since Harden’s days with the Houston Rockets, he has been frequently spotted alongside Lil Baby. The two go clubbing on numerous occasions, whether it be strip clubs or hot spots. Moreover, the two have gone to fashion week together and have even traveled the world. In some respects, they are the male version of Thelma and Louise. While Harden might be in Philadelphia now, there is no doubt that these two still make time for each other. As Harden and Baby continue to develop in their respective crafts, that approach to their friendship won’t change.

Lil Baby x James Harden

Over the weekend, TMZ was able to catch up with Lil Baby following the Grammys. It was here that the outlet decided to ask the artist about his friendship with the NBA superstar. Overall, Baby noted that the origin of their friendship is quite simple. He noted that they are both “snipers,” and no, this is not some sort of commentary on Harden’s jump shot. Instead, he means that they both have an appreciation for beautiful women. Furthermore, they can spot these women from a mile away. Needless to say, this love of women is the backbone of their strong friendship.

For Harden, gorgeous women will have to take a backseat right now. He is currently in the midst of a solid season with the Philadelphia 76ers, and he is trying to get his team a title. The Sixers haven’t gotten past the second round with Joel Embiid, and Harden is being tasked with changing that. As for Lil Baby, we’re sure he will be at those Sixers playoff games come April.
