Le’Veon Bell Roasts Himself With New Twitter Bio

Le’Veon Bell got some bad news yesterday as it was revealed that he would be released by the Baltimore Ravens. With some of the team’s running backs getting healthy, there was simply no more space for Bell on the team, and it ultimately led to his release. Despite this, Bell kept good spirits about the whole thing as he released a statement on Twitter where he thanked the Ravens for the opportunity.

“This hurts, but it’s been a blessing to be here to say the least, I’ve enjoyed every second of this short period & gotta whole new meaning of what this city is like & it’s a great place to be,” Bell wrote. “I appreciate Eric Decasta & John Harbaugh for the opportunity to be called a Raven.”

Bell also decided to interject some humor into the entire situation as he changed up his Twitter bio to reflect some hashtags that are commonly used by trolls on social media. Among these hashtags were “#Washed, #FellOff, #Slow, #Bad Rapper, #WastedTalent, #Greedy,” and many more.

Needless to say, Bell is well-aware of the trolling that goes on during heated Twitter debates, and as it pertains to himself, he has pretty well seen it all.

Hopefully for Bell, he is able to get through this patch and find himself on an NFL team that can use him.